Looking for Devbabbl slides? Download the slides from my accessibility talk. They're in Dutch by the way.

Tristan Dubbeld

Welcome! My name is Tristan and I like to make great online experiences using JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and more!

(despite the lack of all those technologies on this website, keeping it simple)

I was previously working at CodeSandbox, making development accessible to all.

And I'm currently looking for something new!

I love a great developer experience.

That might sound selfish coming from a developer, but having worked on different projects I feel that a good developer experience can be directly translated to a great user experience.

With my work I try to make that a reality. I also like to inspire people to improve UX and accessibility with their work too. The things I'm especially interested in at the moment are Accessibility and Design systems.

Things that I work with a lot and keep interesting me are React, Typescript, Next.js and Node.js


I recently wrote an article about accessible select elements and am working on more. You can find it on trstn.nl, which I'm still working on.